Louisiana Artist
David works in both colored pencil and acrylic paint. He has created a large body of work and has much of it for sale. Craig frequently accepts portrait commissions ... contact him directly to inquire about pricing and deadlines.

SOLD. 36"x24" acrylic on canvas. Facescape of blues great, Howlin' Wolf.

COMMISSION. 24"x36" acrylic on canvas. Painting will be reproduced as the signature image for the 2014 Telluride Blues & Brews Festival.

($600) 24"x18" acrylic on canvas. Facescape of American Blues Artist of the Year Tab Benoit.

($1,500) 18"x24" acrylic on canvas. Facescape of Professor Longhair. Painting was reproduced for the Bogalusa Blues Festival tribute in 2012. Back of the canvas is signed by tribute musicians.

($500) 24"x18" acrylic on canvas. Facescape of blues singer Etta James.

SOLD. 40"x30" acrylic on canvas. Facescape painted with Telluride, CO in mind.

SOLD. 36"x40" acrylic on canvas. Facescape of surrealist artist Salvador Dali.

NOT FOR SALE. 18"x24" acrylic on canvas. Facescape of New Orleans Voodoo Quenn, Marie Laveau.

SOLD. 24"x18" acrylic on canvas. Facescape of American music legend, Clarence 'Gatemouth' Brown.

SOLD. 24"x36" acrylic on canvas. Facescape of Louisiana Governor Huey P Long.

SOLD. 18"x24" acrylic on canvas. Facescape of Birdie's Roadhouse owner Sandy Nauman.

SOLD. 24"x36" acrylic on canvas. Facescape of Evel Knievel.

($300) 24"x18" acrylic on canvas. Facescape.

COMMISSION. Acrylic on canvas. Painting was reproduced for the signature poster at the 2006 Telluride Blues & Brews Festival.

($75) 12"x18" acrylic on canvas. Facescape.

($550) 24"x36" acrylic on canvas. Facescape.

($300) 18"x24" acrylic on canvas. Facescape.

($400) 24"x18" acrylic on canvas. Facescape of the late, great Billie Holiday.

($300) 18"x24" acrylic on canvas. Facescape.

COMMISSION. 18"x24" acrylic on canvas. Facescape of Louisiana musician, Eli Seals.